Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Its Called Class...

You have your movie stars. And then you have your Movie Stars. Audrey Hepburn was a Movie Star.

Hepburn defines the words glammour, elegance, and most of all, class. In fact, its what she was known for. Her little, black dress and her huge sun glasses. Her sring of pearls and her classy up-do. Her dark thick, brows and her big, brown eyes. That was Audrey.

Today, May 4th, marks her 82nd birthday. I decided she, being my favorite actress, deserved a post reflecting on her life.

Audrey Kathleen Ruston was born in Belgium in 1929. In a way she was born into her glammour, being the daughter of a wealthy English banker and Dutch Barroness. However, life didn't stay easy for long. Her parents divorced and she moved with her mother to London wear she attended a private girls school. There she learned ballet and became a professional model.

When Audrey was in her teens she vaccationed with her mother to Holland. While they were there Nazi Germany took control of the city they were in. Times were hard and Hepburn suffered from both depression and malnutrition. With a lack of food around she kept alive by eating tuplip bulbs and baking grass into bread.

When the war ended in 1945 she moved to Amsterdam where she continued her ballet. Her teacher advised her that since she was very tall and had suffered from malnutriton that she would probably never become a prima ballerina. Audrey took his advice and decided to pursue a career in acting.

She started out on the stage as a chorus girl. In 1951 she landed the lead roll in the stage production Gigi. During her work on the stage she was spotted by a Paramount Pictures talent scout. She played minor roles in several movies including "Old Wives' Tale" and "Lavander Hill Mob". Then in 1953 she got her break.

Hepburn got a screen test for the role of Princess Ann in "Roman Holiday". The director, William Wyler, originally wanted to cast Elizabeth Taylor but after watching Hepburn's screen test he was so impressed her gave her the role commenting "She had everything I was looking for: charm, innocence and talent. She also was very funny. She was absolutely enchanting and we said, 'That's the girl!". That year Audrey Hepburn one an Oscar for Best Actress.

The following year she stared in Sabrina for which she was nominated for another Academy Award. However, she lost to Monaco's Princess, Grace Kelly in "The Country Girl". All in all, Audrey Hepburn was nominated for five Oscars. Her other nominated roles were for The Nun's Story, Breakfast at Tiffany's, and Wait Until Dark.

Hepburn's role in "Roman Holiday" set her style. In most every role she's played she's been the innocent, sophisticated, glammour girl. She was (and is) every girls' envy and every guys' dream. Her high-style figure is still found on posters, wall hangings, girl's journals, etc. Her image is also still used in advertisment campaigns including a commercial for the clothing store Gap. Hepburn's role in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" inspired the "little black dress" which is still a favorite among the ladies. In other words, Audrey left a Star style legacy - one that I think will never die.

January 20th, 1993 Audrey Hepburn died in her home, in her sleep from a sevre case of abdominal cancer. After she died actor Gregory Peck tearfully read her favorite poem, Unending Love over the air. She is burried on the top of a hill over looking the village of Tolochenaz, Switzerland.

"I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong.I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and... I believe in miracles."
~ Audrey Hepburn

Now that's class for ya.
Until next time,


  1. I just watched "Lavander Hill Mob" not to long ago. I liked it. She was on for about 10 seconds and didn't say any thing.

  2. I love her too!
    She is one of my favorite actresses!!
    Cute quote!
    Wow the poor thing I can't believe she ate grass!
    And on their vacation!
    Is that why she is so skinny?
    That is sooo terribly sad about her not being able to continue her ballet career!

  3. I love love love Audrey Hepburn!
    'm so glad she ws to tall to be a ballerna! :)
