Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I Need a Little Help. . .

Yesterday I was making dinner and I was using garlic. As I was chopping it the juices got all over my hands. And as I'm sure you well know, the small of garlic clings.

I washed my hands a few times but it didn't help. Then I tried rubbing lemon juice all over them. Still didn't help. Then I rubbed my hands against stainless steel. Nope, not working. Then I made a scrub with baking soda and water and washed my hands with that. They still smell like garlic. Then last but not least I washed my hands with a peach scented hand scrub but they still smell like garlic. I feel like I've tried everything under the sun. If you have any other remedies I'd love to hear about them. I don't want something to just cover up the smell. I want the smell actually gone. If you have any ideas, leave a comment.

Until next time,


  1. Oh I have gone through that several times!
    And I haven't yet been able to find a cure!
    The best cure I have found is TIME!
    Mine usually only lasts one or two days.
    How long have you had yours?

  2. I've read vinegar helps, but I've never tryed it!

  3. Did you find I way to get it off?

  4. Mmm. Sarah's idea worked the best. Time. I just had to wait it out.

    Jennifer, great idea but Olivia wouldn't go for that... unfortunately.
