Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Sunday at the Beach

Last Sunday my family and our cousins, The Newsoms, spent the day at the beach. Usually when we go to the beach we just park along the water and swim or take walks all day long. Sunday we went to Surfside's Jetty Park. I've never been down the jetties on Surfside Beach just the ones on Quintana Beach.

Jeremy and Jordan spent most of their time fishing while us girls just walked along the jetties. At one point we stopped to look at a school of fish. There were so many fish out there!! The boys never caught any though. I think they ran out of bait..

The coolest part of our day at the beach was the very special friend we met. His name was Kemp Ridley. Here is a picture of what he looked like.

(This isn't the one we saw. We didn't get a picture. But it is what he looked like.)

After we walked the jetties we went to Bryan beach and bought some fresh pineapple and mango from the Fruit Man. Most of the kids played on the beach. Little Jessie was the only one that really swam. We stayed and played until dark. It was a great day. Here is a picture my cousin Susannah took of me on the jetties.

(You can sort of see my new hair cut..)

Until next time,


  1. It does look like him!
    Haley and Jeremy went swimming too!
    That's a pretty picture of you.

  2. I like the background Juliana!
    That was fun! =)
    How did y'all come up with Kemp Ridly?
    Oh, I so wish I could've gotten a picture of him! =(
    Sue! =D

  3. Kemp Ridley is actually the kind of turtle he was (we think).
