Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hola Amigos!
Como estan? I hope you are all doing well.

How was everyone’s Labor Day? My family just got back from our Labor Day weekend vacation. We drove up north to Nacogdoches to celebrate my cousin, Jordan’s birthday. Being a typical boy, he’s reptile crazy. So, to celebrate his b-day our families took a day trip to a Louisiana Alligator Farm. Here are some pictures to sum up our trip.

When you think Louisiana you think “swamplands”. Well, that’s what I think anyway and I was siked to see some swamps. Guess what! The whole way there I didn’t see a single swamp. I saw one pond that had swamp-like trees around it…but that was it. I guess we were in the wrong part of Louisiana for swamps. I wasn’t too disappointed though. There are plenty of swamps where I live.

Natchitoches, Louisiana is about 2 hours from Nacogdoches, Texas. It was a nice trip over. Two hours really isn’t that long of a trip but it seemed like such a long time. So to keep ourselves occupied we

Admired old buildings (This one’s great. It’s a gym, icehouse, doctor, chiropractor, and tanning salon all in one!)

watched old TV shows

and had starring contests.

Crossing into Louisiana..

After several Daniel Boone episodes and many winding road we were in Natchitoches and pulling into the alligator farm.

Before going in we stopped at the picnic tables to eat lunch. We had tons of food and ate for forever! Here is a family photo at the picnic table.

First things first – we went to get our wrist bands and check out the gift shop.

You know it is going to be an interesting day when your little brother takes one look around and in the most country accent he can muster up shouts “Look ya’ll it’s a gator”. Totally embarrassing.

It was a really neat little place. That had it set up as a little alligator town with different buildings you could visit. One thing that really caught my attention (why, I don’t know) was the trash cans. Each one had a different painting of an alligator. I thought they were cute so I took pictures.

After we got our wrist bands we headed towards the alligator feeding show. It was cool to watch an alligator feeding frenzy. We have lots of alligators in our backyard but I’ve never seen them in a frenzy before (except for on TV, or course.).

Here are several signs I saw that I though were funny....

Come to my backyard and I'll get you one for free!

After the alligator show we all kinda split up and explored the farm in our own little groups.

Me on the Carousel

Juliana is served.

My sister Olivia and I eating sno cone ice

Uncle Charles having too much fun!


The girls having an ice fight

My Brother Payton feeding the raccoons sno cone ice.

My sister Alex and cousin Susannah

Aunt Jennifer and Jessie getting everyone snocones

The guys...

Mom and Jessie dancing to "The Alligator Walk"

Poor Uncle Charles. He was just taking a nap and little did he know....

After a while we all met back up and headed to the alligator snack-shack. Anyone want to guess what they served? Yep. You got it. Alligator. They had fried alligator on a stick, alligator-kabobs, and alligator sausage. Anyone want to guess what it tasted like? Yep. Chicken. It tasted like really tough chicken.

Me eating Fried Alligator

The Birthday boy himself

Sitting around the snack-shack.

Well, that concludes our trip to Natchitoches. Now that the Moore's and Newsom's have been there poor little Natchitoches will never be the same again but they'll have stories to tell about the crazy Texas families that came to visit.


  1. that was so fun!
    I like that picture of Uncle Charles on the alligator ride. and the ice fight was really fun. After we split up I went with the guys to the back of the park.Jordan and I named all the goats. lol

  2. Yep, that was fun!
    Their names were Barnard, Henry and Marty.
    Good post!

  3. Yes that was fun!
    I like the last picture!
    LOL on the last part! ;-D

  4. I wasn't in the ice fight but, the ice itself tasted really good! :P

    I love the picture of your head on the dish! :P
    The raccoons were so cute!

  5. Oh that was really fun!!! =)
    Great pictures and great post!<3
    Sue! =D

  6. Neat post! :D

    Blessings In Christ,

  7. Great post!! You made me laugh so many times. Love all the pics....
