Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'm a Hardcore Wildlife Warrior

Since I graduated from high school in 2009 I've struggled with the decision of "what to do next". I knew I wanted a college education but I didn't know what field to go into. At first I wanted to go the medical route. Then I considered getting a Teacher's Certificate. Then I was at a complete loss for what I wanted to do. But throughout 2010 I began discovering my passion: Endangered Wildlife. God created the world beautiful - full of all the plant and animal life. And He instructed us to be stewards of the earth. It was man's responsibility to care for God's creation. Throughout the years people began doing just the opposite. Instead of tending to the earth people began destroying it. Animals are illegally poached and habitats are demolished.

God gives each individual interests and talents in different fields and He gives them to us for a reason - To glorify Him. My interests are animals. Caring for them. Saving them. Restoring what God created beautiful. So I've decided to head down the college road of Biology and get an in depth study of all things living. Hopefully by going this route I'll wined up right smack in the middle of where I want to be - protecting the world's wildlife.

Also, going this route I can hopefully help bring God's 7 day creation to people's attention. Almost all biologist, conservationists, zoologists, etc. are evolutionists and push their evolutionary ideas at the public. Don't get me wrong: the work they do for wildlife is fantastic. Its just their religious beliefs that are not. Let's take one of the most well know naturalists, Jeff Corwin, for example. He reaches millions of children a day with his show on Animal Planet. He really opens yours eyes to the needs of the wild. Only, he teaches "millions of years". Just imagine if he were a Christian. All of his viewers would here God's story. If more Christians got involved in this field God could be glorified through His creation again.

But. The purpose of this post is to introduce to you my new blog: A Wildlife Warrior: Doing my part to save the world. Please view it! and follow it. I keep it updated with all the newest news about endangered animals. But here's a warning. Some of the pictures on the blog may be gross or upsetting so view it with caution.

Find out how you can be a wildlife warrior.

Until next time,



  1. Congratulations on your decision Juliana!!

  2. Yes, Congratulations!
    I hope you'll be happy with what you are doing! =)
    Sue! =D

  3. That's Awesome!
    Were are you going to start?

  4. @ Jordan: Hm. That's quite a question, my friend. But I believe the answer is: I will start by volunteering at Moody Gardens and take the Natural Science CLEP test before January is over. =)

    @Sarah and Sue: Thanks!!! =)

  5. i love your new blog!
    Becoming a follower! :)

  6. That's really cool!
    It's a good thing too!
    Have you gone yet?
