Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

My Thoughts on the Royal Wedding...

Well. First off - it was beautiful.

I like Kate's dress better than Diana's. I think Diana's was more epic and more royal looking but personally I like Kate's style. That was like my "dream dress". I would get married in that. In fact, I think I'll order a replica. lol

My favorite part was when she was walking up the isle and Harry looked back and smiled and leaned over and whispered something to William. I loved it. And I loved that Harry wore spurs with his military outfit. It was great. They both looked great.

I loved the car she came in. I loved how half the roof was glass and you could see in. Plus it was a cool looking car. I loved the carriage she left in. It was gorgeous.

I think she is the second luckiest girl in the world. The first being the "on and off girlfriend", Chelsy Davy if she is in fact "back on" with Prince Harry.

I wasn't particularly crazy over the kiss. In fact.. was there even a kiss? Ok. Just kidding. I saw it but it wasn't much of kiss.

I adored the wedding bells as she entered the church. It was beautiful. As was the young boys' choir. They had beautiful voices.

I can't remember which one of those Catholic guys it was but he had a great voice. I'd like for him to sit around my house at night and tell me stories.

I thought Pippa looked beautiful. I though Mrs. Middleton looked scared to death. She probably was. lol

I wish people in America wore dresses and hats just like those. I didn't see a hat there I wouldn't wear - Victoria Beckham's being one of my favorites.

It was neat to see Elton John. You know he sang at Diana's funeral, right? I didn't see him but my sisters said Bear Grylls and a boy scout troupe were in the crowds. That's cool.

I loved when the played God Save the Queen. It have me chills. It also gives me chills to think she is the however many greats granddaughter of King Henry the 8th. Wow. It also gives me chills to see Kate wear Diana's ring. How special is that. Did you know that when Diana died the ring went to Harry but Will asked if he could have it. Harry being the great brother he was gladly gave it to him.

I read an article about how the did a subtle tribute to Diana during the wedding. Kate's bouquet was made up of the same flowers as Diana's bouquet. Sweet.

It truly was fairytale. It couldn't have been more beautiful.

(A cute comparison picture...)

Until next time,



  1. Hi Juliana!
    My name is Briahna (Bri)
    I found your blog through Angelica's blog and I have just started following! It's a really cool blog!! I have a blog also and would love another follower if you are interested. Here's the address:
    See ya,

  2. I thought the Royal wedding was BEAUTIFUL!!!<3
    That's a neat picture.=)
    Sue! =D

  3. Yes I like that picture.
