Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Who Has Time To Be Gourmet These Days? Unfortunately, Not Me...

Well. Tonight I watched Julie and Julia for the second time and I was reminded that I, too, do, in fact, have a cooking blog. Well. Olivia and I, together do. We made it quite a while ago but we've never posted on it. With all the things we've been busy with gourmet cooking has taken a backseat - most unfortunately. Any way, after watching the movie I decided to log back on to our cooking blog and give it a make-over. Just for fun. The recipe files'll probably still stay empty but at least the blog looks good, right? If you want you can take a look at it by clicking here. Until next time, Juliana.


  1. Oh I want to watch that movie soooo bad!
    But I have to wait until we can get a tv gardian.
    I like your background on y'alls cooking blog!
    I will be a follower on it as soon as y'all start posting recipes!

  2. I really, really want to watch that movie! :)
