Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Fashion of the 90s

So. This is a post of my sister Alexandra who keeps saying to me "How can fashion change so rapidly. I was born in the 90s and I don't remember clothes looking any different than they do now" or something to that affect. Well, darlin', they can change a lot. I know this is sort of a huge jump forward - my last fashion post being on the early 1900s - but I'll go back and fill in the gaps... eventually.

Were you a 90s Child?

If this doesn't scream the 90s then I don't know what does. Little white sneakers with high-waisted jeans. I feel like I'm watching a Goldie Hawn movie...

For my 90s mascot I've chosen Kurt Cobain, lead singer of the grunge band, Nirvana. Cobain was chosen by the Rolling Stone as the 12th greatest guitarist and 45th greatest singer of all time. But that's not what we're here to talk about. Cobain was a 90s child. Take a look at his getup. He's got the grunge hairstyle. The flannel shirt over his rocker band shirt. And I'm sure if he were standing up straight we'd be able to see that he's wearing a fanny pack...

Lets just start by saying you weren't a true 90s child unless you had a fanny pack.

One of the most popular fashions was overalls. They were usually either worn with one strap unhooked or both straps unhooked and worn with a belt to keep them from falling off.

The guys wore them too. And yes, the straw hat really was 90s fashion too.

The style was baggy and bold. Flannel was worn by both men and women and was usually brightly colored.

Again, high-wasted pants.

Baggy and bright

This look so says the 90s. She is a 90s child from head to toe. Check out those Mall Bangs and those awful clogs.

Oh yes, and we mustn't forget the parachute pants...

The Women's Hairstyles of the 90s

This style, known as The Rachel, was started by Jennifer Aniston and was extremely popular.

This style, known as Mall Bangs, started in the 80s and carried over to the 90s.

And the hair styles for the men... (Thank goodness the 90s are over...)

This is known as the hightop. I wonder why?

Another fitting name, The Rat Tail.

The mullet. Mostly worn by men but obviously not only worn by the men.

As for their shoes... You only thought you'd already seen the wild side of the 90s. But take a look at these.

Jelly shoes. Not at all comfortable. Very breakable. But extremely popular. And believe it or not... I used to have a pair.

The clogs. They were originally developed in Sweden or someplace as flat wooden shoes worn by factory workers and farms for foot protection. They were hugely popular in both the 80s and the 90s only no longer flat and only wood. Hm. I hate to admit it but I believe I did have a pair of clogs somewhat like those. They were given to me but like I never worn them...

Here is another version of the clog. It is truly awful. I don't know what those designers were a' thinkn'. Somethin' crazy fo sho.

Hm. I don't know about you but I think I'll bring the style back. I miss those 90s days.

Until next time,



  1. Oh dear!!!
    I'm glad we're living in the age of the 2000's! =)
    Funny post Juliana! <3
    Sue! =D

  2. Oh my we were all laughing at the picture of the family with the puffy hair!
    Oh I loved Jellies!!!
    I had a few pairs!
    I miss them!

  3. What's funny is that there's really nothing new under the sun ... I remember girls wearing jellies when I was in college in the early 80's (around 1984/85). And one of my favorite things to wear to high school in 1981 was a pair of blue overalls with one of my dad's big white work shirts underneath, and a pair of blue flip flops. Not sure about the pic labeled "parachute pants" ... when I was working at the college radio station in Alvin, a couple of the DJ's wore parachute pants, but they didn't look like these. They were made from actual parachute fabric and had zippers and pockets all over the legs! (

  4. Oh My! Crazy!
    I like the Mullet! I think the Newsoms and the Moores should all get Mullets!

  5. @Sarah- Really? You liked Jellies? I can't remember mine too well but I've read they were really uncomfortable.

    @Jordan- I'm totally for it. You get yours first and then I'll get mine. =)

    @Susannah- Yes, I am glad of that too. As fun as it was to look up all these old styles they are pretty rediculous.

    @Laura- Hm. I'm gonna get me some parachute pants. I want them orange.
