Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

What do you do with a blog once you get bored with it? Because I'm awfully bored with mine. I thought about deleting it but I have too many good memories written on it. I thought about abandoning it and starting a new one but that felt traitorous. Its just, recently I haven't been able to come up with anything interesting to post about. So instead I just keep changing the background and header. I'm tired of doing that. And I can't even find a look I like.

So. I need help. What to do? Any suggestions? Even blogpost suggestions. Leave them in the comments. They'd better be good.

Until next time (if there is one...)


  1. Hmmm... Well you said you thought about making a new blog.
    Just "totally" start over with this one.
    What I mean by that, do to this blog what you would do to the new one(if you had it)!
    Like change... the name, the blog buttons, your playlist, the background... almost everything! You'll have sort-of a new blog, but you'll be keeping the memories...!
    You can keep some of the same stuff if you want!
    And you don't even have to take my idea, it's only a suggestion.
    Sue! =D

  2. No don't delet this blog!!!
    I love reading your funny posts!!
    Hmm well how about a short fairy tale story about your family!

  3. Well, I don't have anything right now but if I come up with something I will come back and comment!

  4. I love the way your blog looks!
    The horse is adorable! :)
