Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Truth? About Cane Juice

So, I've been doing a bit of research about refined sugars and "healthy" alternatives - Cane Juice being the focus of my research. As you know, for the past year and a half I haven't eaten any processed white sugar. Instead I've turned to foods sweetened with honey, maple syrup, molasis, or organic evaporated cane juice. But lately I've started questioning the health benefits of ECJ (evaporated cane juice). So I spent a good deal of time reading up on the topic. I've read many other blogposts and several medical and nutritional webpages. Basically what I've discovered is that there isn't too much of a difference between the processed stuff and the unprocessed stuff.

I read about a million different pages and a million different arguments. But what I was mostly able to gather is the only major difference between the two is the price. The unprocessed is way expensive whereas the processed isn't. I did read some pages that were pro cane juice and said that it was healthier than refined sugar. And that is true. It is healthier. But the difference is minuscule. It contains more vitamins. But beyond that there isn't too much difference. As one blogger put it: just eat the white stuff; it tastes better. But be sure to take your vitamins.

So in conclusion I am questioning the benefits of ECJ. I would love any opinions backed up with science and fact. Unless I read anything that changes my mind I am considering no longer eating ECJ. I'll have to resort back to honey. I remember when I first went off sugar I didn't even know about ECJ and only sweetened things with honey for the first 6 months. It was hard. But I may go back to that (awful) way of life. Besides. I'm not giving up sugar forever. I do plan on eating that amazing white stuff again on my 21st birthday (one year and 18 days away. I've started the countdown.). So I may go this last year without ECJ or any other "natural" sweeteners (except honey).

Just thought you might enjoy some insight and research about Sugar vs ECJ. I encourage you to read other webpages and get the science behind the two.

Until next time,


  1. Oh great that makes me feel real good!!
    I have been wanting to look it up for a long time too.
    Well I think I am going off it too.
    It's all your falt!
    Sort of! ;-P

  2. I'm all with the guy who said just eat the white stuff; it tastes better. But be sure to take your vitamins.
    If you ask me that sounds smart. lol
    Oh well one more year then we are going to rock out with sweet stuff!!!!!!

  3. That's enteresting...!
    I never knew that.
    I'll just stick to Olivia's idea! =P
    Your not going to get me not to eat either one!
    Sue! =D

  4. I'm with Olivia and Susannah. Eat the white stuff. Take your vitamins. Don't let anyone tell you any different!
    Jess ;)
