Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Children's Institute

This weekend my sister and I had the opportunity to help teach the Children's Institute at the IBLP seminar in Houston. For those of you who have never heard of the IBLP (Institute in Basic Life Principles) seminars, you don't know what your missing. Check it out here.

We had an amazing time. When I first signed up to help teach I wasn't really looking too forward to it and din't know what to expect. But I am so glad I ended up doing it. I, myself, learned a lot. I enjoyed being around other Christians that were my age. I enjoyed meeting new people and making some new friends. It was a very fun, encouraging, and tiresom weekend.

We taught the kids bible stories and songs with hand motions (which will be stuck in my head for weeks), we performed in the silliest of skits, we made crafts, and played plenty of games. And we spent the entire day doing it! Really. We arrived at 7:30 a.m and didn't get home until 11:00p.m. I'm still a little worn out and my legs and vocal chords have not yet recooperated from singing the Hallelujah song 10 times a day. But it was a really great way to spend the weekend. I look very forward to next year.

Until next time,


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