Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Tough Week but a Lesson Learned

This week has been a particularly hard one for me to get through - yesterday and today in particular. For the past two days I've been singing The Beatles' "Yesterady" because the lyrics seem to fit so well.


All my troubles seemed so far away,

Now it looks as though they're here to stay,

Oh, I believe in yesterday.


I'm not half the man I used to be,

There's a shadow hanging over me,

Oh, yesterday came suddenly.

Why she had to go

I don't know,

she wouldn't say.

I said Something wrong,

now I long for yesterday.


Such an easy game to play,

Now I need a place to hide away,

Oh, I believe in yesterday."

These lyrics really do seem like they fit. "Why she had to go I don't know", "There's a shadow hanging over me" "yesterday came suddenly" I need a place to hide away". I kind of feel like I've been dealt three hard blows to the head. I'm seeing stars and feeling dizzy.

While each one is very different and effects me in different ways they're all still hard to handle. Some more than others...

Firstly, my precious little K had his first day of school yesterday. This effects me more than all the others. I'm really going to miss having him here with us all day. I could go on and list all the little things I'll miss about him not being here but I am tearing up already.

Secondly, one of my best friends in all the world, Valerie, went home to her iceberg yesterday after spending the week with us. Its always hard to say goodbye to a good friends -especially when you don't know when you'll see them again- but its pretty much terrible to say bye to Val. I mean, really, look at this picture. How can I live without her????

And thirdly, the power company came by yesterday to cut down a million trees in our yard to make way for new powerlines. I'm not terribly devistated by this but a lot of my sibilings are. What was once a "sort of prettyish little wilderness" is now a brown path to the neighbors house. Ignore the heads and focus on the green. Yeah, not so green anymore...

The point of this post is not to cry and complain but to share how I'm coping with these "disasters". Yes, I'm sad and hurting and tempted to be depressed and curl up in a ball and just CRY but I'm not going to. Because, because He lives I can face tomorrow. And because He lives, all fear is gone. And because I know he holds the future life is worth the living.

The other day in our family bible study we were reading through a book called The Commands of Christ. I can't remember if the scripture was in the book or if Mom just thought of it during the study. But today instead of singing The Beatles' "Yesterday" I've been quoting this scripture to myself. Take a look...

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God." Romans 8:28.

Hm. Did you see that? All things work together for good. All things. Not just good things and happy things but all things. That tells me that Kash going to school, Val going home, and the trees being cut down are all going to work together for good!

Also, last night in our bible study we were discussing the verse Ephesians 5:20.

"Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."

All things? Do I have to give thanks for all things? Like Kash going to school, and Val going home and the trees getting chopped to pieces? Hm. I'm pretty sure that verse did say "giving thanks always for all things"

So though I may not like all the things that happened yesterday and though they are sad and even depressing I've learned that I must give thanks to God for them and that they will all work together for good. I think I've learnd a mighty good lesson this week.

Until next time,



  1. Good for you!
    I like the picture of you and Kash!

  2. That was a very powerfull message!
    And that is somthing I should probably think about more often.
    Ps. I have heard John Denver sing "Yesterday" and I liked it a lot.
