Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Hey Howdy Hey

Well. Its about time I published a new post. Its been how long since I last posted? I don't even know. That's how long. But I've been pretty busy so I do have an excuse.

For the last two weeks I've been babysitting 6 small children. Their parents went to Paris and Scotland on business. They did bring me souvenirs. It was quite the babysitting job. I do believe that is the longest amount of time I have spent away from my own bed. Is that sad? But I'm home now and its nice. In the words of the girl with the checkered dress, "there's no place like home".

Since I've been home I've kept myself busy playing with our 7 new kittens. They are adorable. But the neighbor's dog keeps trying to eat them. Its tragic. They've had to be rescued two or three times now. And my pathetic excuse for a dog (more like a floor mop) is somewhat scared of them. Its quite sad. But funny.

I've also been happily busy reading the delightful stories of Mr. Samuel Langhorne Clemens or as you'd probably know him better, Mark Twain. He is my hero. I hope I marry a man that looks just like him. Okay, I guess that is going too far. But the man's mind is incredible. His stories are... perfect. I read one just tonight. It was a short; only 44 pages. It was called "A Murder, a Mystery, and a Marriage". It was interesting.

Getting back to the point of this post. . .

I wanted to let you all know (heh, if there is anyone there...) that I have created a new blog. Yes, yes. Another one. I think this makes 9 blogs. I've lost track. But this one is different. Its a blog to post all my artwork on. I don't draw much but I love to do it. It makes me happy. They are pretty simple drawings and paintings but it is the best I can do. I am pleased. Visit if you'd like.

Until next time,


  1. Oh, What kind of souvenirs?

    Oh I found your new blog on your profile a few days ago! I didn't say anthing, cause I wasn't sure you wanted anyone to know yet. =)
    I think They are all, "AWSOME!!!"
    You're a great artist!

  2. When are you going to get your souveneirs?

    I love Mark Twain!:)

    I love your new blog!
    And especially love the title!
