Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Are You Hot or Are You Cold?

This evening my thoughts drifted to Revelations chapter 3. This chapter deals with the "dead" church - Christians who have wandered away. The particular passage that sat on my heart was verses 15 and 16.

"I know thy works that art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth"

Hot, as in on fire for the Lord. Cold, as in put out.
When I think of the word cold I get an image of a stone. Cold, hard, grey and unresponsive.

At the very moment I hold in my hand a rock. It looks similar to the one in the picture. And it is just that. It is cold and hard. When I think of a person being cold and hard I think of a person who doesn't know Christ.
When I think of the word hot, I think of warmth and passion. This is what God desires of His children. A burning passion for He and His word.
But then there is lukewarm. A place in between. And as you read in Revelations this is not the place to be. When I think of a person being lukewarm I think of a person that knows Jesus but has wandered away. A person who does nothing for the Lord. A person who is spiritually "turned off".
Of the three levels above - cold, hot, and lukewarm - God says the most undesirable is lukewarm. He will spue that person from His mouth.
Think of a cup of tea. Tea can be taken either hot or cold. But it is not at all desirable at room temperature. I know I hate lukewarm tea. I can't even manage to swallow it. I believe this is the same way God feels about people. He rejoices over those who love Him, He tries to win over those who do not know Him, and He spits out those that have become spiritually dead.
I encourage you to evaluate your life and make sure your walk with God hasn't dropped to room temperature. Be on fire for Him.
Until next time,

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