Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Homemade Organic Pesticides

This afternoon I went out to look at the garden. Its become one of my favorite past times. Who knew pulling weeds could be so fun? Every time I go out to check up on the ever growing seedlings I notice something new. A new sprout here, a flower there. Only today, I noticed little holes in the leaves of my precious okra plants. The bugs had been there. And not only had they been there but they had also visited my bell pepper plant. And now, the war is on.

We are trying to steer clear from using any chemicals in our garden so I didn't want to buy any pesticides. I'm sure they make organic ones but I decided it would be faster, easier, and cheaper to make my own. I read several webpages looking for the best recipe and found that almost everyone uses the same recipe! It must work. And I'm going to give it a try. All you need is...

Ground Red Pepper

Chopped Garlic
Vegetable Oil
 (Hehe, so far it sounds like it would taste pretty good! Those bugs must be crazy.)


Dish Soap (no bleach)
 And all you have to do is simply add the first four ingredients in a bowl. Let them soak over night. Then pour them into a blender, give it a buzz. Strain out any large pieces, pour in some soap and presto! Your own, home made, all natural organic pesticide. As easy as 1,2,3. All you have to do now is put it in a clean spray bottle and use when your ready.

I plan on trying it out today or tomorrow. I hope it works. I'll keep you updated.

Until next time,


  1. You're making me hungry! lol =P
    Good luck

  2. I imagine that will work!!! But if you keep having trouble...use diatomaceous earth. You just sprinkle a little on the leaves occaisionally. I used it on my tomato plants last year and it worked great! Happy gardening :)
