Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Our Garden's Growing!

By what must be God's goodness - because we have no idea how to garden - our seeds are sprouting!!! Our raised beds have gone from a brown, soil-filled boxs to beautiful green growing gardens. With an exception of the lettuce and cabbage everything we planted sprouted! (To find out what all we planted click here.) Here are a few pictures of our seedlings.

My sister Angelica made the name cards. She made one for each kind of vegetable we planted, only I lost the one she made for peas... I need to find that. Aren't they cute though? To see more pictures of the garden click here.

Hopefully in a few months we will be eating plenty of home grown vegetables!

Until next time,


  1. I never cared much for gardening, (you have to get dirty!)
    But I do like eating fresh vegatables!
    Thats one good thing about having cousins you see every few weeks! ;-D

  2. Oh by the way I love the name cards so cute Angelica!

  3. Cool!
    Keep us updated!
    What's growing the best so far??

  4. Sarah - Only those who help in the garden get to eat the garden. =P
    Susannah - So far the Mustard Greens, Beets, and Peas are growing the best.

  5. Sarah...I'll share with you my dearest.
    Juliana... your post/newblog are AWESOME!

  6. Yum!!! How fun. It looks great and the labels are awesome.
