Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Possible Future Giveaway!

Attention, attention. I am considering hosting a giveaway. It will be my first. My reason for hosting a giveaway is two fold.

  1. This post marks my 100th post on this blog! Ridiculous, right? Two years blogging here and I've just made it to 100. (Oh, by the way, this month also marks my blogs two year anniversary!) But 100 is 100 no matter how long it took me to get here! So celebrate with me!

  2.  My second reason for a giveaway actually hasn't happened yet. And actually, I won't be hosting a  this giveaway until it does happen. When I have 10 followers (I lost several followers when I made the switch from my old blog address to this new one) on Because He Lives I will have the giveaway! For those of you who currently read my blog this is where I need your help. By telling others about my blog you can help me reach my follower goal. You can 1) post my button to your sidebar, 2) mention my blog in a post on your blog, or 3) directly mention my blog to your followers or even non-blogger friends. I currently have five followers. I need five more. Lets see what you can do. It would be much appreciated.

The giveaway gift is still up in the air. But I'll make sure its good.

Until next time,

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