Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Its a 10 Cups of Coffee Kinda Mornin'!

Like my mug?
College is a whirlwind and papers are flying every which way! I hope I can put it all in order before my first biology test tomorrow!

I wanted to announce that I now have 10 followers on my blog! Thank you, Abigail, for being my tenth follower. I remember promising when I got 10 followers I would hold my first giveaway. I do still plan on doing this BUT due to massive stacks of homework I probably won't host one until the month of June is over. So sit tight until then.

Biology calls my name.

Until next time,


  1. Hope you do well on your test! =)
    I can't wait for the giveaway!!!
    (did you really drink 10 cups of coffee???)

    1. =) No, I didn't really drink 10 cups of coffee. Actually... I had tea in the cup. lol But I felt like drinking 10 cups of coffee! lol

  2. Oh, I hope you didn't drink 10 cups!! Did you buy the mug or did they give it to you?? Will be praying you do well (Payton too!)

    1. My Mom bought the cup for me. Its kinda tradition. Both the boys got a BC cup when they passed their first CLEP tests.

      PS. Thanks for the prayers. The test was a piece of cake.

  3. Oh I feel special ;) I'm glad I got to be the tenth! Good luck!!
    I'll be looking forward to the giveaway!

    1. =) I'm glad you followed my blog! Thanks! Keep an eye out for my giveaway post.

  4. Glad you id good on your test!
    I'd like to see you drink that much coffee! ;)
