Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I am officially...

a Moody Garden's Aquarium volunteer. =D

I went to my training last Saturday. It was pretty cool. I got a behind the scene's tour of the whole Moody Garden's property with and exception of the Rain Forrest - its under construction. It was like, taking a trip to Moody Gardens for free. We even were going to get to watch a 4-D imax for free but the lady in charge couldn't find the guy that ran the movie. Too bad. It was Dora and Diego too. Hola!

So starting next month I will be giving at LEAST eight hours of my time per month to... Feeding and cleaning, and caring for penguins! I'm super excited. And after I work 50 hours I get free membership to all Moody Garden's exhibits and can then take any one I want (who's 14 or older) on a behind the scenes tour in my department - which, of course, is the penguin exhibit.

So, I've got the working with dolphins under my belt. Now time to add the penguins. I wonder what will be next...

Until next time,


  1. Wow! I am amazed!
    That is so cool!
    How close do you get to the penguins?
    What do you feed them?
    What does it look like behind the scene's?

  2. Awsome!!
    So after you've completed 50 hours and you get to take someone what does that someone get to do?!

  3. Take me! Take me!!! =)
    That is Awsome Juliana!
    That sounds really fun! <3
    Sue! =D

  4. Once I work 50 hours I can take anyone 14 or older on a behind the scenes tour.

    Jordan, I think I get to get pretty close. I hear the workers get to teach the penguins how to blow bubbles, paint pictures, etc and I think the volunteers get to help with that too. We just feed them fish. Behind the scenes is a lot of kitchens, walk-in freezers, water pumps, scubar gear rooms, and things like that.
