Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Its Game Time!

You all know that game where some gives a very basic and short description of a movie and then with the little bits they've given you you have to figure out what movie it is. (Does that game have a name?) For example...

The main character is a female. She's had life hard. Her sisters are mean and her mother is evil but her tiny friends keep her company. A big event is happening in their town. The evil mother doesn't let her go (to put it mildly). But a magical lady shows up and produces magic made gown and transportation and she gets to go after all. Its the best night of her life. But she'd best be home by midnight.

Ok. So that was an easy one. I think the end might have given it away...

Well this is that game. Only we aren't playing with movies. We are playing bible stories. I've picked some well know stories and characters so it should be a fairly easy game. If you think you know the answers leave them in the comments. Enjoy!

#1 -  In this story our main character is male. He was a righteous person. Because he was righteous he and several others were saved from death. During his lifetime a major world event occurred. It affected the lives of every one and everything on earth.

#2 - This story follows our main character from the time of the character's marriage. However, our character's spouse dies shortly thereafter. Our character decides to live with their spouse's family. They travel to the town of Bethlehem. They arrive at the beginning of the harvest. Our character gathers barley in a man's field. After a series of events our character weds the man who owned the barley field. Jesus is their direct descendant.

#3- This story follows our main character from the time of birth. The character's mother took drastic measures to save her baby's life. And save it she did. Our character went to live with another family and grew up as one of them. Eventually our character kills a man and flees to another land. While in this other land God speaks to our character in a phenomenal way. God gives the character an important and giant mission. He has to go back to the land from which he came to fulfill this mission. After 10 hard and horrible events he accomplishes his mission for God.

#4- This story follows two characters. They live a beautiful life. However one of them is tempted and sins. This sin affects both characters and the rest of their lives. They are severely punished and no longer live their beautiful life. The sin affected the world forever.

See. Those were pretty easy. You should have them answered in no time. If you think you know the answers leave them in the comments. Maybe we'll play again later.

Until next time,


  1. Oh fun!
    #1 is Noah
    #2 is... oh dear, I'm tempted to say Ruth? Am I wrong?
    #3 sounds SO familiar, but I can't remember the name!
    #4 is Adam and Eve?
    Good idea! Do another one!

  2. #1 Noah?
    #2 umm.. Ruth...?
    #3 Moses
    #4 Adam and Eve
