Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday

Outside my window... I see the driveway and the trees beyond it. It looks very still outside. There must not be any breeze. I'm sure if I leaned over a bit I could see my horse grazing.
I am thinking... About class tomorrow. Its our second to last BLAST class this year. I'm teaching about horses and services animals. I need to get busy planning...
I am thankful for... Daily Success by IBLP. I have recently signed up for the daily email encouragements. Check it out some time.
From the learning room... Lots of reading and planning going on.
From the Kitchen... Nothing at the moment. But I'm hungry. I wonder who is cooking tonight..?
I am wearing... A pair what I like to call my short safari shorts. Ha. They are just khaki. I'm wearing a maroon t-shirt. On it in yellow letters are the words Ourapostle Jesus Christ. I'm barefoot...again. My hair is twisted up and held in place by a little gold clip.
I am creating... A slideshow for my class tomorrow. Like I said its all about horses. Heh, needless to say I enjoyed making it.
I am going... No where. Thank goodness. Today is a stay at home kind of day.
I am reading... Very few things. From the bible I'm reading through Psalms and Proverbs as always and also I Chronicles. It was named Chronicles for a reason. I'm having trouble getting through all these genealogies... I am also reading a book called George Muller: Delighted in God by Roger Steer. Muller's story is one of my favorites of all time. What a faithful man.
I am hoping... To hurry and finish my lesson plans so I can have the rest of the day free.
I am hearing... The air condition and mumbling voices from the bedroom.
Around the house... It is busy but calm. Everybody is up to something different.
Mostly preparing for tomorrow.
One of my favorite things... The feeling of getting things accomplished.
A few plans for the rest of the week... I haven't really got any set in stone. Tomorrow, of course, is class. But other than that I'm not tied down to doing anything. Though I am planning a fewthings in my head.
Until next time,


  1. Fun, I love horses!
    I might start doing this every week as well...maybe.
    What's the "learning room?"
