Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I've Been Awarded Again!

I was awarded with the Kreativ Blogger Award by Britt over at Many thanks, Britt! Here are the rules...

Answer the 10 questions, then list 10 random things about yourself, and award 7 bloggers.
Pretty simple. But because I'm a rule breaker I will only be listing 5 random facts about myself and awarding one person. Here we go...

1. What is your favorite song? I don't really have a favorite over all song. I have a favorite song from each genre of music. But I'll keep it short and say my favorite Christian song is Because He Lives.

2. What is your favorite dessert? That one is easy. Ice cream. Plain vanilla ice cream. But it is always amazing to put it on top of a warm brownie and top it off with hot fudge and nuts. (Can't.Wait.Till.July.21st.!)

3. What ticks you off? I think this is where I should be able to say "nothing". Hehe... but, I would have to say asking a question and not being answered. Yeah...

4. When your upset, what do you do? Nothing in particular. Every situation is different.

5. What is your favorite pet? My horse, of course.

6. Do you prefer to wear black or white? I prefer to wear black. But I think I probably look better in white.

7. What is your attitude? Hm. I feel like someone else should evaluate me and give me the answer to this question. (Ha, if I were brave I would ask everyones' opinion and have them leave it in the comments. But I'm not brave. Don't do that.) I can't really answer this question.

8. What place, object, scenario, etc would you describe as perfection? Africa. Africa is perfection.

9. What is your guilty pleasure? Sleeping late, of course.

10. What is your favorite past time? I don't really have one these days. No time for passing the time.

Ok. So here are the five random facts about myself... (hehe, this is always fun..)

1. Change is something that terrifies me but makes me incredibly excited at the same time

2. I picked five vegetables out of the garden today: Two beets, a jalapeno, a red tomato, and a yellow tomato. (Looking forward to eating those beets!)

3. While on the subject, beet salad is one of my very favorite things in this world!

4. I want to open a food truck. It would be amazing. I'm thinking waffels...

5. I love fine arts. (Cooking, drawing, dancing, music, etc.) I wish I was skilled in every aspect of them.

Now on to the awarding part. I award...
Susannah over at

Until next time,


  1. Ooooh, thank you!
    Cant wait to post about it! =)

  2. Thanks for doing the post Juliana!! :) I love your answers!!
