Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Prettiest Place on Earth?

Here are a few snapshots I took around the house this morning. I love living here.

The humming birds love the flowers Mom planted along the front of the porch.

Around the corner of the house - everything is getting so green. *SUMMER*

A view of our front yard, down the driveway.

A gorgeous tree in the backyard

A view of the creek. See it? Its way down there.

Another view of the creek. If you look hard, you can see a bird on the log.

Close up of the water.

A sitting area by the creek

Fig sitting on the bench

Our garden - we have two raised beds and a plot(?). We've got several varieties of tomatoes, red bell peppers, basil, squash, cabbage, beets, green beans, thyme, lavender, strawberries, two types of lettuce, three types of greens, cucumbers, water melon, cantaloupe, carrots, jalapenos, and onions.

Little cucumbers sprouting

German Thyme

One of the many varieties of our tomatoes. I don't think they will ever turn red...

Cherry Tomatoes


We have wild blackberry bushes growing at the front of our property.

Barrack O'bunny, Gus Gus the kitten, Penny and I, and a nest of guinea eggs

Until next time,


  1. This is such great post!!!! I love it :) The photos are so the plants at the front of the house, the sitting area in back!!!! the big tree in back, the eggs. Really enjoyed seeing all of this and love you title!!

  2. Oh boy...more guineas!!!
    And I forgot to comment on the is awesome. I am very jealous of those tomatoes and strawberries :)

  3. Pretty!!! Thanks for posting pictures!!!
    Can't wait to see y'all Saturday!!

  4. that MY yard???? Wow. Love living here

  5. Cool stuff! I like that close-up pic of the flowers! That bird is pretty cool too! I love the flower garden in the front! nice!
