Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thoughtful Thursday

Outside my window... There are a lot of green trees. Very green trees. I'm looking up at the window and I can't see any sky. Just green leaves. It looks more like summer than in does spring.
 It feels more like summer too.

I am thinking... About getting another hour of sleep before heading out for the day.

I am thankful for... God's enduring mercy. Where would we be without it?

From the learning room... Two of my sisters are working on their school. The house is quiet. I'm sure the rest of the kids are around reading somewhere.

From the Kitchen... The smell of sugar and fruit. Freshly baked cakes. A lemon one. A pinapple one.

I am wearing... Comfortable clothes. A pair of old jeans and a blue Surfside shirt. Its a barefoot kind of day. My hair is curly and I'm weighed down in jewlery.

I am creating... A drawing. Its water color. Its a picture of the creek. Its taking me forever to finish. If it turns out I'll put it on

I am going... To babysit. I get to see my buddy Little Bill today. I get to spend the entire day with him and the evening with his siblings. I. Am. Excited. to see them again.

I am reading... Very few things. From the bible I'm reading through Psalms and Proverbs as always and also I Chronicles. It was named Chronicles for a reason. I'm having trouble getting through all these geneologies... I am also reading a book called George Muller: Delighted in God by Roger Steer. Muller's story is one of my favorites of all time. What a faithful man.

I am hoping... For a nice, calm, and smooth running day.

I am hearing... The television and the air conditioner. Other than that it is quite.

Around the house... Like I said, it is quite. Some kids are doing school. Others are doing laundry. Others are a work. Its a quiet kind of day.

One of my favorite things... Animals. This morning I went out to see the cows. There were plenty of dogs, cats and horses to see as well. What amazing animals.

A few plans for the rest of the week... Tomorrow I get to see Little Bill again. As for now the weekend is unscheduled. Monday I will probably get in a few hours at Moody Gardens. I miss my little feathered friends.

Until next time,


  1. Cool "Question thing!" Are you going to do it every week? (Or have you already been doing it every week and I just haven't noticed...)
    I love the picture!
    I can't wait to see the picture you're drawing!

  2. I'm going to start doing it every week... Well, I'll try. =)
    I'm going to try and start several weekly posts. Thoughtful Thusday is just one of them. We'll see how it goes.

  3. Oh cool your doing that neat thing Shelby did!
    I loved reading it!
    And will look forward to more!
    P.S.I miss y'all!
