Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. Life is worth the living just because He lives!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

It's Earth Day: The Importance of Christians Going Green.

Today is Earth Day - A worldwide holiday dedicated to promoting the protection of our earth. What a great day. However, the real importance of Earth Day often get's over-looked.
That importance? This is God's world.
"This is my Father's world,
and to my listening ears
all nature sings, and round me rings
the music of the spheres. 
This is my Father's world: 
I rest me in the thought
of rocks and trees, of skies and seas;
his hand the wonders wrought.
 This is my Father's world,
the birds their carols raise,
the morning light, the lily white,
declare their maker's praise. 
This is my Father's world: 
he shines in all that's fair;
in the rustling grass I hear him pass;
he speaks to me everywhere."
Earth Day has so much potential to bring God glory! He made a beautiful world. He made it because He loved it. He loved the trees and plants and oceans and animals. He made it show His glory and majesty. He made the animals to give Him praise. Consider these scriptures:
"Let heaven and earth praise him, the seas and all that move in them". ~ Psalms 69:34
 "Wild animals and all cattle, small creatures and flying birds, kings of the earth and all nations, you princes and all rulers on earth, young men and maidens, old men and children. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted; his splendor is above the earth and the heavens" ~ Psalms 148:10-13
 "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord" ~Psalms 150:6
(Thought this was funny... hehe) 

God created the plants and trees and stars and planets and seas and land and animals and said "It was good". The magnificence of this world really brings Him glory. They show His handywork.

As I look at the earth and the habitats and animals therein I see that magnificence fading away. I see amazing creatures that have been driven from existence. I see many more following down that path. I see habitats growing smaller and smaller providing fewer and fewer homes for their inhabitants. I see a beautiful earth disappearing. And this stirs in my heart so much. I want to give my life to protect God's creation. It wont be here forever. But we, as it's inhabitants, can nurture it while it is.
And Earth Day is the perfect opportunity to share with other people the importance of protecting the earth. So get out there and tell those people not to litter, this is God's beautiful earth!
Now for some (super easy) tips on how to be green and eco friendly this year:
 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:
1. Whenever available, use a recycling garbage can instead of throwing your garbage away in the regular trash.
2. Collect empty soda cans and take them to a recycling center (you can get cash for bringing them in too!).
3. Recycle food and yard waste by making a compost bin. Check this out:,4600,7-247-49067-62499--,00.html
Conserve Water:
1. Take a shower instead of a bath. A shower uses only 1/3 the amount of water a bath does!
2. Don't let the water run while brushing your teeth.
3. Make sure your don't have drippy faucets.
Don't contribute to pollution:
1. Don't let your car idle. Overall, Americans idle away 2.9 billion gallons of gas in just one year!
2. Ride a bike or walk when possible.
Save Energy:
1. Turn off lights when you leave the house (or room)
2. Unplug appliances that are not being used (like a computer or TV)
Use fewer plastic bottles and more eco-friendly, biodegradable products.
These steps may not seem like much but if you do them and get everyone you know to do them, it really WILL make a difference.
Take this fun quiz to see how many Earth's we would need to support a population that lived exactly like you do! I took it and we would need 6 Earth's to support everyone if everyone had the same lifestyle as me. Yikes! My results also said it takes 30 acres of land to support all of my needs! Yikes! Post your results in the comments!
Now that you know the importance of Earth Day, get ready to celebrate it and spread the word about God's great creation. Earth Day is Monday, April 22nd. In fact, Earth Day falls on April 22nd every year. Because of a certain man's hard work in protect the environment and making Earth Day possible, Earth Day was put on his birthday. That man? Eddie Albert!
Happy Birthday Eddie Albert!
Thanks for making the world a greener place, Oliver!
Until next time,


  1. Great post Juliana! Mmmmm, I had 41/2 earths. I don't think I can give up my hot baths...but I do pick up litter when I see it! :) I think God's creation is so very beautiful and I'm thankful to Him for the beautiful things He created! Stewardship...resourcefulness...responsibility...all character qualities we can use in taking care of our surroundings.

  2. Very good post from a Christian perspective! Well done.
    I would need 3 1/2 earths and 15 1/2 acres. No doubt I could conserve more and waste less!
    But...might need to know more about who is administering the test and what their pre-determined convictions and beliefs are. I would need to know more to be convinced that it would take 3 1/2 earths to provide everyone with what I have :)
